Tag Archives: best food in chinatown singapore

[SINGAPORE] JIA JI MEI SHI (佳记美食) - Chinatown

Chinatown Complex Food Centre is a home for more than 250 food stalls, and also known for the biggest hawker centre in Singapore. In my previous posts, I have reviewed Liao Fan Hong Kong Soya Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle and 168 CMY Satay whom also located at Chinatown Complex Food Centre. And in this post, I will review another stall called Jia Ji Mei Shi.

Continue reading [SINGAPORE] JIA JI MEI SHI (佳记美食) - Chinatown

[SINGAPORE] LIAO FAN HONG KONG SOYA SAUCE CHICKEN RICE & NOODLE - The World’s Cheapest Michelin-starred Meal at S$ 2!

If you have been following the Michelin Guide Singapore, one of the most striking names besides Hills Street Tai Hwa Pork Noodle on the inaugural 2016 list is Liao Fan Hong Kong Soya Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle. This humble hawker stall at Chinatown Complex literally received stardom when it was awarded one Michelin star in the Singapore Michelin Guide 2016 and become the world’s cheapest Michelin meal.

Continue reading [SINGAPORE] LIAO FAN HONG KONG SOYA SAUCE CHICKEN RICE & NOODLE - The World’s Cheapest Michelin-starred Meal at S$ 2!